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DBFor20 • 2 years ago

I really liked some points said by Yamaoka esp the point that even eating vegetables is a sin if we think about it. I feel that some Vegans who go above and beyond to condemn meat eating should hear these points and try to stop being too aggressive.

xX><Xx • 2 years ago

iwc. int/status
More contemporary data is on the IWC website. They estimated 515,000 Antarctic Minke in 2003/2004
iwc. int/estimate

Hunting of Antarctic minkes whales began in the early 1970s, much later than the other large whales. The most recent estimate of total abundance in the surveyed areas is around 515,000 so the species is not endangered. However a decline has been noted in abundance estimates calculated during circumpolar surveys in 1982/83, 1991/92 and 2003/04. Work continues to determine whether the decline recorded in these abundance estimates is real. Recent hunting is not at levels thought likely to cause declines.

Overall, it's somewhat mixed, with most species' populations recovering, if slowly. Blue whales are still nowhere near pre-hunting population. North Atlantic and North Pacific Right whales are still quite endangered, Southern Right whales are doing somewhat better. Humpback whales seem to have made a remarkable recovery.
It seems like they consider bycatch, entanglements, and ship strikes to be the biggest threats for the most part.

Dominic Statuto • 2 years ago

bruh, wtf

so true we are born to have that sin
eating animals to survive
hmmm.. does that mean they eat me too?
coz I'm a front tail penguin?!

Ricky09 • 2 years ago

love it!